
Desktop web-based lab management

Node Core is the web-based desktop version of Node Dental. This desktop version includes the entire order entry procedure as well as various workflows and management tools for customer- and production labs locally and abroad.

Case entry

Whether you have active customers inserting their own cases or you do so on their behalf, Node Core offers you an efficient case entry procedure for the most common types of restorations, dentures and orthodontics.

Once confirmed, each case is given its own digital order ticket to be used in the (production) labs, containing all required information for your technicians.


Workflows are highly customizable in Node Core; you can either produce your own work or outsource to multiple production labs locally or abroad as a standalone provider or through a distributor.

Combinations of different workflows are allowed and a designated digital order workflow eliminates the physical outsourcing shipments to your labs.

Central order overview

As a provider, you share an order overview with your production labs in which all order related data per case is structured one central location.

The overview contains timing-, pricing-, material- and status information as well as an integrated order related chat channel.

Integrated chat section

Node Core contains an integrated chat section in which you