What is Node Dental?

Node Dental is a web-based platform that connects dental labs with their customers and production partners.

Node stands for a central or connecting point or a point at which lines or pathways intersect or branch. 

We are connecting the dots between (production) labs and their customers.

Why Node Dental?

Although most medium-large dental labs have their own lab management systems in place, there is often a lack of a coherent link between them and their customers. A lot of smaller labs still heavily rely on written order tickets and do not have an efficient way to communicate with their customers and production partners.

After spending more than a decade developing dental workflow solutions we have learned that efficient and accurate communication is crucial to the outcome of your production as a dental lab. Communication is especially challenging when dealing with outsourcing labs in other countries.

Node Dental offers an intuitive, easy way to tackle most of these communication issues. Furthermore, Node Dental provides your production lab with an effective way to add traceable production information for each case, giving you and your customers instant access to certificates and invoices upon arrival of your work.


Security is one of the main pillars of our system. As professionals within your industry, we understand the need for stringent security when processing patient related information.

Node Connect is designed by security by design principles and mirrors the security measures taken by its medical messaging peers while offering you order-related chats unlike most others.

Proven trackrecord

Node Dental is based on various previous versions of its predecessors that were specifically designed for one labgroup and currently in use at over 50 different labs. We have combined the experience of more than a decade in developing this system with the requirements of our customers that we encountered on a daily basis.